What Is the Difference between a Blanket Contract

What Is the Difference between a Blanket Contract

and a master service agreement in freelancing

As a freelance copy editor, you’ve probably come across different types of contracts as you work with clients. Two of these are the blanket contract and the master service agreement. While these contracts might seem similar, they have distinct differences that freelancers should understand. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between these two types of contracts and how freelancers can use them to better manage their relationships with clients.

Blanket Contract

A blanket contract is a type of agreement that covers multiple projects for a specific period, usually a year. This contract is beneficial for freelancers who want to secure a regular flow of work from a client within a certain timeframe. Under a blanket contract, the freelancer agrees to perform services for the client as needed, and the client agrees to pay a set rate for each project completed.

Blanket contracts are ideal for clients who require a freelancer’s skills for multiple projects over a long period. It`s also useful for freelancers looking for consistent work from one client. The contract offers stability for both parties, and it saves time on the negotiation of a new contract for each new project.

Master Service Agreement

A master service agreement (MSA) is a legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a working relationship between a freelancer and a client. Unlike a blanket contract that covers multiple projects, the MSA covers the entire business relationship between the freelancer and the client. It defines the scope of work, the payment terms, the timeline, and other essential details that both parties agree upon.

The MSA is a more comprehensive document than the blanket contract since it covers all aspects of the relationship between the freelancer and the client. It`s also more flexible since it allows the inclusion of project-specific schedules and rates. The MSA serves as the foundation for all future projects between the client and the freelancer.

Key Differences

The primary difference between a blanket contract and a master service agreement is the scope of the relationship they cover. The former covers multiple projects within a specific period, while the latter covers the entire working relationship between the two parties. Blanket contracts offer more flexibility, as the rates and timelines apply to each project, while the MSA is more comprehensive and defines the terms and conditions of the entire business relationship.

Which Contract Should Freelancers Choose?

The choice between a blanket contract and a master service agreement depends on the freelancer`s goals and the client`s needs. Freelancers looking for a steady source of income from one client may prefer a blanket contract, as it offers consistency and predictability. On the other hand, the MSA is ideal for freelancers who need to secure a long-term relationship with a client and want to establish a robust foundation for future collaboration.

In conclusion, both blanket contracts and master service agreements have their benefits and drawbacks. Freelancers should carefully evaluate their options and choose the agreement that best suits their needs and those of their clients. Remember, a clear and comprehensive contract can protect your interests, ensure payment, and establish a professional relationship between you and your client.

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